Our purpose:
To help provide financial support to the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department
The Fort Wayne Park Foundation (Park Foundation) is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1974 by a group of business leaders and philanthropists who recognized the importance of our park system to our community. Wanting to make it easy for citizens to make financial gifts to support the parks, the Fort Wayne Park Foundation was established to solicit and accept tax-deductible gifts from individuals, foundations and corporations designated for specific parks or programs or for its general fund.
Although the parks are funded by the City of Fort Wayne, the Park Foundation provides extra dollars to support park projects and programs that may require additional funding.
Since its origin in 1905, the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department has built and maintained Fort Wayne’s beautiful park system for everyone in our region to enjoy. But it takes a financial commitment from our community to keep those parks well-maintained, safe, and constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of our residents. The Park Foundation gives everyone in our community the opportunity to contribute to the beauty of our park system.
Our mission is simple: The Park Foundation’s sole purpose is to help provide financial support to the Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department. Raising and stewarding private funds for the maintenance, equipment needs, upgrades and programming for our parks and for the creation of new parks is our mission and it is why the Park Foundation was established more than 40 years ago.
The Park Foundation solicits and accepts gifts from area individuals, businesses, and foundations for our 17 endowment funds that are designated for specific parks or programs. The income earned on those funds is distributed to the Parks Department for its designated use.
In addition, we ask for support for our Build the Future Fund which enables us to support specific projects or programs in any of the 87 parks. As unexpected opportunities arise, the Build the Future Fund gives the Park Foundation the opportunity to step in and help the Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department … responding quickly when necessary.
Today, through the generosity of its donors, the Park Foundation maintains assets close to $10,000,000 in 17 separate endowment funds. The income earned on those endowed assets helps keep our parks safe, beautiful, and up-to-date. In 2017, over $400,000 was granted to the Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department for various parks and park projects.
While this may seem like a lot, maintaining and improving our parks takes much more than that, and every contribution makes a difference. The Park Foundation has worked side by side with Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation to make our park system so important and special to our community. Through your support we can bring great things to our parks. We take great care in making sure that we honor all donors’ wishes and carefully steward the funds with which we are entrusted. We will continue to do so for many years to come.